If you are looking for a loan and are a victim of loan scams, you can file a report to the action fraud. Many resources for victim are available to take actionable steps to identify and recover from the fraud. Online financial fraud happens when an individual is asked to pay upfront fee and never materialize in future. Fraud takes places when the money has been lost.
Sometimes victims do not take any step to report fraud or take any advice from the financial advisers as they feel embarrassed of being scammed. Fraud is more or less a crime that should be controlled or stopped immediately. Fraudsters constantly find ways to trick the people. Complaining against them will help others to save others to be a victim of the same scammer.
If you are a victim of online financial fraud, you are required to make the necessary steps.
Steps that are required to follow by online financial fraud victims are as follows:
Stop sending money to the scammer:
If you suspect that you have been scammed, you immediately have to stop sending money to the scammer. Scammers have the skills to convince the people that the loan offer is real. If you have done payment of an upfront fee from debit or credit card, your first step should be to contact your bank or credit card companies to cancel the cheques if it has not been issued yet.
Report for financial fraud:
You can report for an online financial scam to Action Fraud which is run by the London Police. It transfers all the cases of frauds to the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau for an immediate action. The information you provide stating your fraud will assist the police to depict the fraud case well.
Contact the police right away for any crime:
If you in danger because of any crime, you can contact the police immediately by making a quick phone call.
Explain the problem to your banks and credit card companies:
You need to contact your banks or credit card companies explaining them your online financial fraud. It will help you to protect your personal or banking information to get misused by the scammers.
Warn your family and friends:
If you have experienced any online fraud, you are advice to warn your family and friends that help them not to get involved in the same scam in future. Warning about the frauds to the people will stop falsified, misleading and unfair business practices in the financial market.
Make do no call register to avoid telemarketing calls:
Simple register Do Not Call services to avoid Telemarketing calls of loan scams or other frauds. Also, you should not get tempting with the advertisement and websites offering the attractive deals which may end up as fraud deals.
If you lost the money, contact to have the financial counseling:
Financial counseling will help you to make a better decision of maintaining your financial budget. Also, reporting to the Action Fraud will provide your details to the Victim Support (national charity) that helps the fraud victims to offer them confidential emotional and practical support with free of cost.
Sometimes victims do not take any step to report fraud or take any advice from the financial advisers as they feel embarrassed of being scammed. Fraud is more or less a crime that should be controlled or stopped immediately. Fraudsters constantly find ways to trick the people. Complaining against them will help others to save others to be a victim of the same scammer.
If you are a victim of online financial fraud, you are required to make the necessary steps.
Steps that are required to follow by online financial fraud victims are as follows:
Stop sending money to the scammer:
If you suspect that you have been scammed, you immediately have to stop sending money to the scammer. Scammers have the skills to convince the people that the loan offer is real. If you have done payment of an upfront fee from debit or credit card, your first step should be to contact your bank or credit card companies to cancel the cheques if it has not been issued yet.
Report for financial fraud:
You can report for an online financial scam to Action Fraud which is run by the London Police. It transfers all the cases of frauds to the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau for an immediate action. The information you provide stating your fraud will assist the police to depict the fraud case well.
Contact the police right away for any crime:
If you in danger because of any crime, you can contact the police immediately by making a quick phone call.
Explain the problem to your banks and credit card companies:
You need to contact your banks or credit card companies explaining them your online financial fraud. It will help you to protect your personal or banking information to get misused by the scammers.
Warn your family and friends:
If you have experienced any online fraud, you are advice to warn your family and friends that help them not to get involved in the same scam in future. Warning about the frauds to the people will stop falsified, misleading and unfair business practices in the financial market.
Make do no call register to avoid telemarketing calls:
Simple register Do Not Call services to avoid Telemarketing calls of loan scams or other frauds. Also, you should not get tempting with the advertisement and websites offering the attractive deals which may end up as fraud deals.
If you lost the money, contact to have the financial counseling:
Financial counseling will help you to make a better decision of maintaining your financial budget. Also, reporting to the Action Fraud will provide your details to the Victim Support (national charity) that helps the fraud victims to offer them confidential emotional and practical support with free of cost.